Common Hair Myths Debunked

Common Hair Myths Debunked

Common Hair Myths Debunked 

Hair myths

There are lots of myths surrounding haircare. I'm here to set the record straight.

  1. Myth: Trimming Your Hair Makes it Grow Faster

Your hair grows from the roots, not the ends. Regular trims can help avoid split ends and breakage, making your hair look healthier and fuller, but it won't speed up growth.

  1. Myth: If you are losing your hair you should reduce the frequency of washing and brushing.

The truth is, for most people experiencing hair loss, a robust scalp massage and gentle brushing can help with microcirculation giving the follicle back some blood supply that it might be missing. Learn more about what causes hair loss here. 

  1. Hair color works better if the hair is dirty.

In fact, the opposite is true. Hair color bonds better to the hair if it is clean, however, professionals do not recommend a vigorous scalp massage during a pre-color shampoo because it may result in some discomfort during the process.

  1. Myth: Pull Out One Gray Hair, Two Will Grow Back

This is a classic myth. Pulling out a hair won't change the number of follicles in your scalp, but it can damage the follicle, so it's best to avoid plucking.

  1. Myth: Shampooing Leads to Hair Loss

Shedding a few hairs during shampooing is normal. In fact, it is normal to lose around 100 of them during every shampoo. This hair has already dislodged from its papilla and is waiting for a brush or a wash to whisk it away to make room for a new one. However, if you're noticing excessive hair loss, it may be due to other factors like stress or health conditions, not the shampoo itself.

6.Myth: The More You Use a Product, the Less Effective It Becomes

Hair doesn't build up a resistance to products. If a product seems less effective, it could be due to changes in your hair needs or other environmental factors.

7.Myth: Conditioner Makes Your Hair Fall Out

A well-formulated conditioner can help to hydrate and protect your hair, and not cause it to fall out. It's normal to see some hair loss during conditioning due to the detangling process.

8.Myth: Hair Grows Faster in the Summer

While it's true that heat can stimulate circulation and potentially promote growth, the difference between summer and winter growth rates is negligible.

9.Myth: Hair Color Damage can change your hair forever

While coloring can damage the hair itself, unless you suffer from third degree chemical burns, it cannot affect the papilla and follicle. Your hair will continue growing as it always has as long as nothing changes internally.

10.Myth: Hats Cause Baldness

Wearing hats doesn't cause hair loss. Genetics, hormones, and age are the most common causes of balding. Hats off to those who love their caps and beanies!

Dispelling these myths helps pave the way for a healthier hair care journey. Remember, your locks are unique, so find the routines and products that work best for you. Here's to great hair days, every day!


For more info, check out the blog "Everything you need to know about hair loss."


Have yourself a quality day!




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artwork featured: Aegis Strife "Betrayal" (Gaia weeps as humanity turns on her) Johnathan Adler "pride" cookie jar.

The Rabbit Hole

Bio and Beauty-centric topics for a modern world


“I know enough to know that I don’t know much but here is the stuff I know” MBM


Having spent around half of my life surrounded by nature and the other half immersed in the realm of health and beauty, I decided to choose these as my general discussion topics.  if I say something in this forum, it is because I have experienced it first-hand, and/or have done exhaustive research and deduction on the topic.  I don’t like to waste time so each blog will be short and immediately to the point.  Please email me with any questions at

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Artwork Credit: "Betrayal" by Aegis Strife. Gaia weeps as humanity turns against her. "Pride" A cookie jar by Johnathan Adler.