Skin sensitivity.  Cause or effect?

Skin sensitivity. Cause or effect?

Skin sensitivity, cause, or effect? And the obvious solution

Are we born with a predisposition to sensitive skin? That is actually up for debate. Many dermatologists have arrived at the conclusion that skin sensitivity is induced by our modern environment and lifestyle. As I have gotten wiser, I have begun to realize that they might just be right and this was a difficult, yet profound conclusion for me.

So why do some people react to stuff and others don’t? There are theories out there but here goes mine. (Please challenge me in the comments, I love to be wrong) The conclusion that I have come to is that those of us with "sensitive skin" are actually inheriting a less robust lipid acid mantle. We inherit other forms of barrier function like number of sweat glands and melanocyte density so why not lipid barrier function as well?

 I can feel an A HA! Moment descending upon you. Your thinking, “all these years I have been labeling the effect as the cause.”  

So, in a way genetics actually do play an indirect role but think about how much more power you have over your condition now that you can accurately identify the cause. I will let that soak in for a second….

Moving on:   What do we do about it? The answer is… Less.

Level 1 Response: Prevention and profound correction.

Avoid fragrances and botanicals and just do less stuff to your skin.

Understand that "buzzwords" like "hypoallergenic" or "for sensitive skin" can be misleading. Many products marketed for sensitive skin still contain one or more irritants. It's crucial to become adept at reading ingredient lists and to consult a professional who can help you employ an elimination strategy. This approach will assist you in pinpointing the specific substances that irritate your skin.

If your lipid layer is compromised, you need to give it a break until it can recover. Switch to a fragrance free, synthetic (yes synthetic is better) cleanser like Cera-ve and avoid any products that contain botanicals or are labeled as “natural soaps” as these are usually the main culprit. Natural is not always better peeps! Look for barrier supporting skincare products like illumenase that contain ceramides and skin identical ingredients.  Rinse with cool water and avoid any aggressive scrubbing or rubbing. Don't worry, you won't be a delicate flower forever. Over time your skin will become more resilient. The good news is that our body will do most of the work here so in a way skin sensitivity is one of the easier challenges to overcome. Literally just do less to it!

Level 1 and 2 Response: Prevention and Next level Correction.

Add in inflammation zapping and barrier enhancing products including supplements like Omegas, Vitamins D, E, and stay hydrated.

In addition to irritant avoidance, seek out products like illumenase with inflammation zapping ingredients like oat extracts, niacinamide, and MSM and barrier enhancing ingredients like ceramides. Remember, less is more. Skip a wash here and there and just rinse your skin with cool water then blot it dry.

Feed your skin from within. Give it what it needs to manufacture those cute little lipids.

Level 1, 2, and 3 responses:

Get a pro involved.

A skilled aesthetician can help guide you toward products and treatments that can help reduce your overall sensitivity. Look for Spa's in your area that utilize good products like Repechage. These professionals will have a whole slew of tips and tricks up their sleeve that they will love to share with you.


I hope this has been as fun for you as it was for me! Now I insist that you go and have yourself a quality day.



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artwork featured: Aegis Strife "Betrayal" (Gaia weeps as humanity turns on her) Johnathan Adler "pride" cookie jar.

The Rabbit Hole

Bio and Beauty-centric topics for a modern world


“I know enough to know that I don’t know much but here is the stuff I know” MBM


Having spent around half of my life surrounded by nature and the other half immersed in the realm of health and beauty, I decided to choose these as my general discussion topics.  if I say something in this forum, it is because I have experienced it first-hand, and/or have done exhaustive research and deduction on the topic.  I don’t like to waste time so each blog will be short and immediately to the point.  Please email me with any questions at

Disclaimer:The information provided in this blog post is intended for general
informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical
advice. Always seek the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional before
making any adjustment to a medication or treatment you are currently using, or
if you have any questions regarding your health or a medical condition

Artwork Credit: "Betrayal" by Aegis Strife. Gaia weeps as humanity turns against her. "Pride" A cookie jar by Johnathan Adler.